Perspectives II:
UML Painting DepartmentMar 16 - 27
XFest Art Exhibit
Feb 23 - Mar 6
Quixote + TBD Quixote [Lowell] in heavy rotation at WUML
Mar 6, 8pm - Mar 7, 12am
Living Things Livng Things: [NYC] Stephe Cooper, Sam Sowyrda, Pete Hanson + Dos DosasLiving Things Mar 11, 8pm-11pm
Doin' it together fest Fri Mar 12 -14
Ichabod Sat Mar 20 6:30 - 10:30pm
Lowell Poetry Network Leo Racicot featured poet. Open mic with Janet Stevenson Mar 25 6:30 - 9pm
Stop Loss Produced by Setheyny Mar 26 8 - 11pm
Ladderlegs Ladderlegs, 2 Ton Bug, Darker Hues, Red Quiet Mar 27 8 - 9pm
| XFest Art Exhibit 2010 -Closing March 6
Throughout the festival and for the two weeks preceding and following the festival the gallery presents a special exhibit, curated by Shayna Dulberger with work by Joshua Jefferson, Ebenezer Archer Kling, Id m Theft Able, Frank Turek, and Donald O'Finn
Supported by the Lowell Cultural Council and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

Perspectives II Paintings from the University of Massachusetts Lowell

"Herstory" 2009 Acrylic, Latex, Ink, Graphite on Canvas
Paintings from the Art Department of the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, curated by Jan Johnson and Caitlyn Cedarstrom. Reception March 27, 3-6pm. Participating artists include Dorena Carrillo, Frances Conrad, Sara DeRoeck, Savitha Devisetti, Polina Dorosinskaya, Alexander Eagleston, Alex Giavis, Elizabeth Hart, Amy Hoehn, Byron McNeal, Sarah Morkunas, Holly Moss, Jeremy Nash, Phyllis Procter, Sam Riebe, Giselle Sterling, Jennifer Stone, Anna Struna, Victoria Valente.
| Livng Things: [NYC] Stephe Cooper, Sam Sowyrda, Pete Hanson + Dos DosasLiving Things (NOT to be confused with the glam-punk band) and is me and Sam Sowyrda (both from the Dan Deacon Ensemble & eagle ager) and our friend Pete Hanson. its a music group working with composed and improvised material with the purpose of mixing theatrical and performative action into the musical setting. our current project utilizes everything from instrument beasts, transgender voice therapy, wind-up toy-orchestra with a tuba-headed conductor, contrabassnake clarinet, and a feedback puppy, to compositions for motorized wind instruments, woodwinds, euphonium, percussion, feedback, guitar, and others. 
| Quixote + TBDQuixote [Lowell] in heavy rotation at WUML Mar 6, 8pm - Mar 7, 12am
Doin' it together festFri Mar 12 -14 Lowell Poetry NetworkLeo Racicot featured poet. Open mic with Janet Stevenson Mar 25 6:30 - 9pm Stop LossProduced by Setheyny Mar 26 8 - 11pm
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