Propaganda and Prejudice
I was a high school student in the late 1960s. Education was a lot
different back then, though not necessarily the “Leave-it-to-Beaver” high
school experie...
Review of 2023 - Finding Peace After Chaos
This feels like the first time I've had personal bandwidth to write on this
blog since June or May of 2020. It seems that sometime in January of 2023,
I at...
Great Movie Testing the Limits Full Movie
[HD Movies] Streaming Testing the Limits (1998) Full Movie. Testing the
Limits can be watch for free registering. Watch Testing the Limits with HD
A New Business Name to Start 2015
I've been making and selling things my whole life and I've given myself
lots of business names over the years. In 2006 I took out a yellow sheet of
paper ...
Begin Anywhere
In July, I am having an art exhibit with Linda Branch Dunn at the Loading
Dock Gallery. Please join Linda and I on Saturday, July 5th for an artist
New Lacy Vest
As I mentioned in my last post, I'm taking a break from scarves to try some
new things. Here's a new vest I finished recently. I just love how the
We’re Moving…
Well, sorta.
We are changing our blog address. The new address will be and will go live next Tuesday, July 16, 2013.
You'll stil...
New Bedford
Ships' masts continue to dominate the skyline of one of the nation's
earliest Whaling centers.
Site of the first ship built in New Bedford in 1767.
My h...
Hello, June!
Despite my general dislike of gyms, I decided to step things up a bit, join
a gym, and get some personal training! So, my June goal is relat...
Betty Homemaker...
I should be in Aruba right now.
Why do I say this? Because my family is in Aruba, I was supposed to go, and
instead I'm house-sitting. Granted, I willingly...
Bootstrap Blog Migration
The Bootstrap Blog has moved to its new home at the bootstrap website.
Please update your bookmarks.
See you after the jump.
Lucy the Blog: the Resurrection
Oh, hello. It’s been awhile. Last spring, while walking with Ashlee, Lil
Nola Jane, and Lucy the Dog, I stumbled upon this abandoned, helpless bear.
An e...
Life's Twisted Ways... Plus Good Books
Hmmm... interesting the way life works. Here I sit, avoiding certain people
like the plague, and contemplating over the way life has been lately. Right
Material is Language: 119 Gallery 's Fifth Annual Juried Show
Entry deadline: Nov 17, 5 pm.
Juror: Nick Capasso, Senior Curator, deCordova Sculpture Park + Museum
Exhibit Dates: Nov 25-Dec 20.
Reception: Dec 5, 3-6 pm
Entry Fee: $40 for non-members. If you are not a gallery member, or your membership has expired, the entry fee is $40, which entitles you to Creative Level membership and exhibition in the 2010 annual members show.
See for submission requirements.
Make a Wish
through Nov. 14
Tue-Sat, 12noon - 5 pm
A three-channel video projection, Make a Wish by Denis Dumas combines images of thunder storms and water with an accompanying soundtrack of voiced concerns to envelop the gallery in an electrical storm of uncertainty. Watery surfaces spill with a myriad of visions that form a layered collage of contemporary troubles. Mixing real and virtual imagery, Dumas creates multiple points of view that redefine domestic, political, ecological, social, and economic ideas.
"My work addresses psychologically charged situations, while exploring the language and its inventive uses, to visually translate aspects of human behaviour and consciousness. This takes form in the metaphorical situations I create, in which I perform, film, or use my sculptures as theatre or as actors." - Dumas
Dumas' installation is intended to empower us eliciting our resolve in the face of real and conjured threats. Like the artist, we are to summon our own sense of individual identity as a rudder to navigate through confusing circumstances and environments.
A Canadian sculptor and multi-media artist, Denise Dumas investigates boundaries and identity. As an immigrant, she is keenly aware of the borders and intersections of cultural, social and political interaction. Dumas believes that reality changes according to the environment and social context that we inhabit. She finds that current economic ills and political fears have created an insidious climate of insecurity that permeates our daily lives. Dumas' video installation is a metaphor for this troubled climate, her stormy environment mirroring the unsettling times in which we live.
After graduating from Quebec Beaux-Arts, Dumas attended the Sir John Cass College of Art in London, and Saint-Martin's School where she studied Anthony Caro, Tim Scott, and Philip King. She has an MFA in Creation from the University of Quebec. Dumas has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in galleries and museums in Canada and in the United States and has received grants and awards from the Canada Council and the Quebec Ministry of Communication and Culture, the SODAC, and from the New Hampshire Council on the Arts. She lives in Wilton, NH, and teaches at UMass Lowell.
Dinner & A Movie
Tue Nov 3 6:30pm, $15
Rebirth of a Nation, DJ Spooky's remix of the DW Griffith classic.
Tribal Celebration Thu Nov 5 8pm
This autumn, Sikhara return to the road in the USA and Europe to support a holy trinity of new releases. Their newest effort, "IV War Haka," is an epic tale of tribal war, invoking the warrior spirit of the Maori and Benin voodoo magic. Also available will be a live album on Oklahoma's Anti-Clock, captured during radio broadcasts for KFKC and WFMU.And finally, after over a year in the making, Sikhara unveil their first DVD, a film with music from each of the three album and documenting travel across 3 continents.
James Stonoha & friends
Fri, November 6, 8pm
Where119 Chelmsford Street, Lowell MA (map)
DescriptionJames Stonoha - voice, guitar + Gaetana Brown - voice, guitar + RAM (all girl band) + Transgressions: Ben Farley - guitar (?), Setheyny Pen - toys, Walter Wright - analog synths & video.
Life.Support.Music Thu Nov 12 7-8 pm, Free
O'Leary Library, Room 222, UMass Lowell
Life. Support. MusicParker Lecture Series In August 2004, Jason Crigler, one of New York City's most sought-after guitarists, suffered a brain hemorrhage during a concert in Manhattan. That night at the hospital, the doctors told Jason's family-if he makes it through the night, there won't be much left of him. Jason's wife, Monica, pregnant at the time, froze. "Everything completely stopped. I forgot all about the pregnancy. I think I left my body. I remember thinking, 'This cannot be true. I cannot go on without Jason.'" Days passed, and Jason's family was forced to accept the new dark reality at hand. But they refused to accept the dark future described by doubtful doctors. So in the face of wrenching despair and horrifying odds, the Criglers made a resolution-Jason will make a full recovery. And thus began the long, grueling, implausible and mystifying journey chronicled in Life. Support. Music.
Noise Fri Nov 13, 8pm, $5 Donation
Diagram A, Shawn Greenlee, Jamesamoeba, A Snake in the Garden, Brandon Terzakis.
Slasher Risk + Grass Hopper Electro Psycho Jazz Sat Nov 14 8pm, $5 Donation
Slasher Risk is the improvisational duo of Sara Cavic and Andy Borsz.Primarily using guitars, drums, and electronics the two have forged a noisy and multifaceted psychedelic sound among the New York experimental music scene. Since inception in 2006 the duo has performed nearly 100 live shows across the Eastern United States, Europe, and Japan. They have played shows and festivals with Nihilist Spasm Band, Suishou No Fune, Excepter, Sightings, Magik Markers, Blues Control, Skaters, Axolotl, and members of Mouthus and Double Leopards. Regarding the duo's live show Impose Magazine editors recently declared it "the best live fuck-all insane feedback seance in NYC today" and WFMU's Marty McSorley poetically noted "watching Slasher Risk play is like watching them blow up an old Vegas casino."
Grasshopper's Jesse DeRosa and Josh Millrod's behemoth answer to "jazz infused" experimental electronic music. Using trumpets, EVI, and a modest amount of electronics the duo warp classical and traditional instrument sound sources into otherworldly drones and peaking waves of pulsating electric mire. They have shared stages with the likes of Graveyards, John Wiese, Noveller, Ducktails, Nonhorse, John Fell Ryan, Grey Skull, and Telecult Powers among others. The two have performed in classical ensembles across the U.S. as well as in Canada, Western Europe, Scandinavia, and Africa.
Jamie Malone Cabaret Mon Nov 16, 8pm
Lowell Poetry Network Thu Nov 19 6:30pm, $3
Reading by featured poet Mark DeCarteret followed by an open mic. Mark DeCarteret was born in Lowell. He is the Poet Laureate of Portsmouth, NH. He has been the featured poet at many local and regional poetry events including the Portsmouth Poetry Hoot and Jazzmouth: The Seacoast Poetry and Jazz Festival. A graduate of Emerson College, DeCarteret earned his MFA at U of New Hampshire in 1993. He currently serves on the faculty of the New Hampshire Institute of Art in Manchester, NH. Boston Poet Laureate, Sam Cornish describes DeCarteret as "a poet of considerable intellect" and having "the possibility of becoming a major American poet." $3 donation cover the cost of the snacks.
Todd Merrel Fri Nov 20, 8pm, $5 Donation
Todd Merrel- short wave radio, Marc Bisson - prepared guitar, Mike Funaiole - analog synth , Jack Wright - sax, Kevin Frenette - guitar, Kit Demos - bass,
John McLellan - drums
5 Bands for 5 Bucks Sat Nov 21, 7:30 pm, $5
Ram (A trio of beautiful Aries women playing a very electrified New York punk style) Residents of Mortville (no web presence, but there are a few videos on youtube) (A very raw no wave style with a constantly shifting setup) Itheye (Spaced out noise bringing joy to every brain it touches) Ununi (Jazzy, noisy, rock and roll with more energy than their amps) Kermit's Finger: (Loud Boston punk with none of the fashion traps) Black Steel Peacock: (Confrontation pushed out of a speaker)
119 Gallery promotes contemporary and new media art, innovative ideas and cutting-edge techniques with a rich and diverse program of exhibitions, performances and community-based arts services. We welcome people of all ages, backgrounds and means to explore and experience new, innovative art.
A Good Citizen
The other day my friend John Suiter in Chicago sent me a short sketch of a
street encounter that in its simplicity spoke volumes about respect for the
A Way Forward?
*For John, BLUF*: *While many are ooutraged at President Trump's words and
actions with regard to Ukraine and the Middle East, some see that perhaps
Upcoming Holidays/Registry Closures
The Middlesex North Registry of Deeds and all state offices will be closed
on the following dates:
May 30 - Monday - Memorial Day
June 20 - Monday - Jun...
Go Solar If You Can, Before 2020!
The hot, sticky, generally annoying but also deadly heat waves that have
swept the northern hemisphere have few upsides to them. In Japan, northern
Europe ...
Aces of Clubs
The Office of Student Engagement celebrated leadership in all its forms at
Middlesex Community College with a pair of special awards recognitions -
the a...
Full Scale Disaster Exercise Planned
On June 11 the City’s Emergency Management Office will stage a full scale
disaster exercise beginning at 9:30 a.m. The drill will take place in the
UMass L...
Concert in the park this Thursday
Bring a lawn chair or a blanket to sit on, and kids of all ages to Tyler
Park this Thursday, June 21, 6-8 p.m. for the first concert of the 2012
Summer Sun...
COOL Pop-Up Information Session, April 10
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here
*COOL Pop-Up Information Session*
*Tuesday, April 10, 6pm*
*Location:* ALL's Pop-Up Gallery
117 ...
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