| "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experiences of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so." | -- Douglas Adams | | Lowell Folk Festival, July 23-25 | Come to the largest free folk festival in the United States. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people visit Lowell to experience the Lowell Folk Festival to enjoy great music while savoring the City's great ethnic cuisine. The Lowell Folk Festival offers all around good time! More Information: www.lowellfolkfestival.com | | Lowell Jazz Day Camp Programs | Classes are still available at Lowell's Jazz Day Camp for the months of July and August -- register today! All programs taught by a professional jazz staff, each with over 25 years experience touring & teaching. Each class will contain two hours of group lessons and two hours of ensembles. More Information: info@inthespace.net and www.inthespace.net | | Thursday Night "Concerts on the Corner" | Hear Johannah Zacharer this Thursday for Folk Festival weekend at Athenian Corner's outdoor "Concerts on the Corner" in Downtown Lowell. The music continues Friday and Saturday night with Mike Ryan and his band performing on the Athenian's outdoor patio. All shows are free and open to the public. Dinner and drinks served all evening. More Information: www.atheniancorner.com | | 2010 Lowell Summer Music Series | The 2010 Lowell Summer Music Series continues after Folk Festival weekend with exciting performances at Boardinghouse Park in downtown Lowell! Experience incredible live music under the stars every Friday and Saturday evening until September 11, 2010! More information: www.lowellsummermusic.org | | Tapas and Tunes | Ole Tapas Bar in Lowell offers an excellent opportunity to enjoy food and music on their outdoor dining area every Friday starting at 5PM featuring the modern jazz music of Charles Langford. Wake up your pallate and ears! More Information: www.oletaps.info | | "More Than a Number" Film Marathon, July 25 | To commemorate the closing of the "More Than a Number" exhibit at the American Textile History Museum, there will be a marathon screening of all three films featured during the exhibit: "The Wanderers" at 11am, "Dancing Through Death" at 1pm, and "Sleepwalking Through the Mekong" at 2pm. The film screenings are free. More Information: info@reaksmey.org | | Restaurant Showcase Week 2010, Aug. 1 - 15 | Restaurants throughout the Greater Merrimack Valley region will participate in the Greater Merrimack Valley Second Annual Restaurant Showcase Week presented by the Greater Merrimack Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau. Food lovers will have the chance to sample the best cuisine that each participating restaurant has to offer! All proceeds will benefit the Merrimack Valley Food Bank. More information: www.merrimackvalley.org | | "E.T." outdoor film screening for National Night Out, August 3 | Don't miss an outdoor film screening of the Steven Spielberg classic "E.T." in celebration of "National Night Out" on Tuesday, August 3, on the lawn and parking lot of the C.W. Morey Elementary School in Lowell. Family festivities start at 6pm -- film screening at 8pm. Sponsored by: Lower Highlands Neighborhood Group, Lowell Alliance for Families and Neighborhoods, Lowell Police department, Lowell Film Collaborative, Chelmsford Telemedia, and Target Stores. More Information: www.lowellfilmcollaborative.org | | "High Style: Betsy Bloomingdale and the Haute Couture," Aug. 14 - Jan. 2. | This exhibit gives a rare and fascinating glimpse into the personal world of style of Betsy Bloomingdale, one of America's most celebrated socialites and fashion icons. It showcases magnificent designs from the couture houses of Givenchy, Chanel, Dior, Valentino, Yves Saint Laurent, which have been worn to celebrated occasions, including the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. More Information: www.athm.org. | | Upcoming at the 119 Gallery | Music, art, and much more this month at the 119 Gallery, including a Members' Exhibit, the Ross/Hubbard Duo (Dave Ross pictured), and special musical performances in celebration of the Lowell Folk Festival. Don't miss July at the 119! More information: www.119gallery.org | | 2010-2011 Lowell Five Performing Arts Series | Mill City Management is excited to announce the 2010-2011 Lowell Five Performing Arts Series at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium. The series features: Vienna Boys Choir Holiday Celebration, Legally Blonde The Musical, Fiddler on the Roof, Grease, A Chorus Line, and Monty Python's Spamalot. More Information: www.lowellauditorium.com | | About the COOL Cultural E-newsletter | The COOL Cultural E-newsletter is emailed every week by the Cultural Organization of Lowell (COOL) in conjunction with the Lowell Cultural Roundtable. News items for consideration may be sent to scromwell@lowellma.gov. Please limit description to no more than two lines of text and include full contact information and URL if applicable.
Deadlines: To insure your posting is in the coming week's e-blast, we must receive it by the previous Friday.
To subscribe, send an email to scromwell@lowellma.gov with the subject line, "Please subscribe to COOL e-blast."
To unsubscribe, scroll down to the bottom of this e-newsletter and use the "SecureUnsubscribe" link.
If there is an upcoming event that you would like to put on the COOL calendar (www.cultureiscool.org), email LZ Nunn at LZNunn@lowellma.gov to obtain a password.
| | Links to our cultural community: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, http://www.lowellauditorium.com/eventlistings.aspx Merrimack Repertory Theatre, www.merrimackrep.org The Bridge Review: Merrimack Valley Culture, http://ecommunity.uml.edu/bridge/ Website for Lowell artists, www.lowellisart.com Art community chronicle, www.vyumagazine.com Arts League of Lowell, www.artsleagueoflowell.org Western Avenue Studios, www.westernavenuestudios.com Ayer Lofts, www.Ayerlofts.com The Brush Art Gallery and Studios, www.thebrush.org The Image Theater, www.imagetheater.com Whistler House Museum of Art, www.whistlerhouse.org American Textile History Museum, www.athm.org 119 Gallery, www.119gallery.org For a fuller listing of links see the COOL website, www.cultureiscool.org | | This e-mail was sent from Cultural Organization of Lowell Immediate removal with PatronMail® SecureUnsubscribe. |  | | To forward this e-mail to a friend or colleague, use this link. | To change your e-mail address or update preferences, use this link. | | |
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