| | Fireworks on the Merrimack! Monday, July 5. Also featuring live musical entertainment at the Sampas Pavilion from 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. For more information visit www.lowell.org | Retail & Restaurant News | Market Street Market, 95 Market Street: Wine tasting, Thursday June 24 from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Featuring red and white Organic Wines from Chile and two new French Wines from the Rhone Valley and Alcase. For more information call (978) 735-4532. Olympia Restaurant, 453 Market Street: Live Greek Music every Saturday Night in the Acropolis Room from 8:00 PM - 1:00 AM. Late night appetizer menu available until 1:00 AM. For more information visit www.newolympia.com. Cobblestones Restaurant, 91 Dutton Street: Now Open Sundays! Summer Hours 2:00 PM -10:00 PM. Outside seating coming soon. For more information please visit www.cobblestonesoflowell.com. Lowell Beer Works: 203 Cabot St.: "The Heat Is On!" For June Lowell Beer Works features Fruit Beers and BBQ from around the World - "Watermelon Ale", "BlueBEERy Ale", "Cherry Bomb" and "Castle Rock Raspberry Ale" along with BBQ menu specials including "Pulled Pork Sliders", "Smokey Iberian Ribs", "Gaucho Chicken Chimichurri", "Grilled Shrimp and Linguica", "Chocolate-Key Lime Cheesecake" and more. Beer Works is a great place for your Business or Personal Private Party - with space for groups of 20 to 300! For details & availability please contact us at 978-937-2337 or lowell@beerworks.net. Check out our Patio and Live Bands each week. For more information visit www.beerworks.net. Worthen House Café, 141 Worthen Street, Acoustic Music every Friday night, 9:00 PM (no cover). | Sports & Events | Yoga on the River: Saturday Mornings, 9:00 AM. Lawrence Mills Green - in between the Lawrence Mills and Tsongas Center (just off of the Riverwalk. Are you looking to free yourself of the stress of the week? Would to start your weekend off feeling refreshed and centered from the fresh morning air, sun, and soothing sounds of the Merrimack River? Join us for Yoga on the River! Classes will feature a sequence of postures and breathing exercises designed to build strength, flexibility, balance and gain a deeper sense of well being. In the event of a forecast of rain classes will meet at The Space Cafe, 150 Western Avenue. All levels welcome. Classes led by Jon Brandi, Certified Yoga instructor. For more information visit www.bromyoga.com. The African Cultural Association of Greater Lowell presents the 10th Annual African Festival at Regatta Field June 26. Celebrate Africa's rich culture through music, dance, and traditional foods. For more information visit www.africanfestivallowell.org. Frannco American Festival Week, June 19 - June 26. For more information visit www.francolowellma.com. Lowell Spinners: Individual tickets for the 2010 Spinners season are now on sale, by phone and in-person. Tickets are selling fast, so don't miss out on your date by ordering today! For more information and tickets visit www.lowell.spinners.milb.com Pollard Memorial Library: Cotton Tales: The Story of a Cotton Boll's Journey, June 25 at 1:00 PM. Participants will "become" a boll of cotton. A story will evolve using primary history materials and maps to show what happens to a boll of cotton picked by a slave, processed into cloth in a Lowell textile factory, and then returned to the South for slave clothing. Materials will be provided by the Library. This children's program will be presented by the Tsongas Industrial History Center and is suitable for grades 4 and up.For more information, visit www.pollardml.org. June through September the Lowell Summer Music Series presents summer concerts at Boarding House Park at French and John Streets in Downtown Lowell. For more information visit www.lowellsummermusic.org |
Museum & Gallery News | ALL Arts Gallery, 246 Market Street: Paste-up 2010, A juried exhibition of small format collage. June 26 - July 18, Saturday and Sunday 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Artists Reception, Saturday, June 26, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM. For more information visit www.artsleagueoflowell.org American Textile History Museum, 491 Dutton Street. Inspired Design: Lasell College at ATHM. May 15 through August 1. Showcases contemporary hat designs by talented young designers from Lasell College, paired with the hats from ATHM's amazing historic collection that inspired them. From the whimsical to the dramatic, the design competition culminated in a juried exhibition, with students vying for one of the coveted spots in ATHM's Lowell Sun Charities Gallery. For more information, visit www.athm.org. The Loading Dock Gallery: Cycles and Seasons by Margot Stage and Glenn Szegedy, June 30 - July 25, Artists Reception: Friday, July 9 from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM. For more information visit www.theloadingdockgallery.com. Brush Art Gallery & Studio, 256 Market Street: Artists at the Brush Exhibition: Fluidity, June 13 to August 6. For more information please visit www.thebrush.org. Tuesday June 15 - Saturday July 3 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM. Experimental studies of dreams; of relating and connecting dreams to waking life; "of nightmares." Are they reality or illusion, past or present. The obsession to create connections and to understand one's "self." For more information visit www.119gallery.org. Whistler House Museum of Art, 243 Worthen Street: Lowell- Rooftops and Widow's Walks by Don Sullivan. June 23 - July 29, Reception: Saturday, July 10, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM. For more information visit www.whistlerhouse.org Western Avenue Studios, 122 Western Avenue: First Saturday of every month, noon to 5:00 PM. Western Avenue Studios opens its doors to the public. Come browse the latest works by our artists. For more information visit www.westernavenuestudios.com. New England Quilt Museum, 18 Shattuck Street: Current exhibition: Women's Writes: Signature Quilts & Stories, May 13 - July 11. |
Got Tickets? | Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell: Jason Varitek Celebrity Putt Putt, Thursday, July 1 at 7:00 PM. Slayer and Megadeth w/ Testament, Saturday, August 14th at 7:00 PM. For more information visit www.uml.edu/tsongascenter. Merrimack Repertory Theatre: July 5 - August 13. Young Artists at Play Summer Theatre Program for students in grades 1-12, that includes theatre camps, performance seminars and musical theatre workshops.. For more information visit www.merrimackrep.org. The Lowell Memorial Auditorium - Tickets are currently available for Menopause The Musical, August 3 & 4 and The Cast of the Deadliest Catch Live, Featuring Captain Sig and the Hillstrand Brothers, September 11. For other shows and tickets please visit www.lowellauditorium.com.
| | Sincerely, Christopher Samaras Downtown Coordinator Cultural Affairs & Special Events City of Lowell, 375 Merrimack Street Lowell, MA 01852 t: 978.674-1481 f: 978.446.7089
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