| Title | April 14, 2010 | | COOL Cultural E-Blast is emailed every week by the Cultural Organization of Lowell in conjunction with the Lowell Cultural Roundtable. *Send new items to scromwell@lowellma.gov. *Deadlines: To insure your posting is in the coming week's e-blast, we must receive it by the previous Friday. *To subscribe, send an email to scromwell@lowellma.gov. The text should read, "I'd like to subscribe to the COOL cultural e-blast." *To unsubscribe, scroll down to the bottom of this e-newsletter and use the "SecureUnsubscribe" link. *If there is an upcoming event that you would like to put on the COOL calendar, www.cultureiscool.org , please email LZ Nunn at LZNunn@lowellma.gov to obtain a password. |
| E-Blast Staff: Publisher: LZ Nunn, lznunn@lowellma.gov Editor: Suzzanne Cromwell, scromwell@lowellma.gov | | "More Than a Number" opens this weekend at the American Textile History Museum | More Than A Number Photo Collection & Traveling Exhibit American Textile History Museum (ATHM), 491 Dutton St., Lowell April 17 - July 25 April 17, 2010 will be the 35th anniversary of the Khmer Rouge takeover of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. T (transit) number photos taken in refugee camps and holding centers, as well as related stories, poems, or words will be on display at Lowell's American Textile History Museum as part of the "More Than a Number" event series. Please join us this Saturday for the premiere of this exhibit at the ATHM and for other citywide Cambodian cultural events, including: * Film screenings * Panel discussions * Dance costume workshops * Gallery talks * A Cambodian arts marketplace
More information: www.reaksmey.org or www.cultureiscool.org
| | Tonight! Western Avenue Studios featured on "Chronicle" | See local artists and Lowell's own Western Avenue Studios on tonight's edition of "Chronicle!" Don't miss this chance to see the City's creative industry at work on regional news. Featured artists include Frank Casazza, Ashlee Welz Smith, Heather Wang, Adrien Bisson, Liz Smith, David Barton, and Stuart Krentcil. "Chronicle" airs Wed., April 14 at 7pm on Channel 5 (WCVB)
| | Have some "Key West Fun" and prevent homelessness
| Join us for the 8th Annual Fundraiser to Prevent Homelessness, hosted by Community Teamwork, Inc. and the Merrimack Valley Regional Network to End Homelessness!
All proceeds benefit families and individuals living in Greater Lowell and the Merrimack Valley who are homeless or facing homelessness. Only 500 tickets are being sold at $100 each - share the cost with friends and family (we suggest 2 attending on one ticket). Each ticket holder will be entered into a Grand Prize drawing for $10,000. Enjoy this fabulous "Key West-themed" event featuring live music, food, and cash bar!
Thur., April 22, 6-10pm, Lowell Memorial Auditorium More information: www.comteam.org
| | Don't miss UVAS at the Old Court | Urban Village Arts Series (UVAS) comes to the Old Court! Michael Murray & Tsoysli are seasoned musicians with their own long musical stories that have taken each of them to strange places. Jay Atkinson's new book about Kerouac's routes through the US and Mexico is called "Paradise Road."
Todd Hearon will be reading from his first book of poems called Strange Land. More info on Hearon's book can be found at http://www.siupress.com/product/Strange-Land,5447.aspx Thur., April 15, 7pm, Upstairs at the Old Court, 29 Central St., Lowell Free admission!
| | UMass Lowell orchestra pays tribute to the movies | "A Night at the Movies" UMass Lowell University Orchestra Kay George Roberts, conductor If you love movie music, the UML University Orchestra's Spring Concert is for you! From epic soundtracks to gentle love themes, great silver screen classics to modern award winners, this program has it all.
Thurs., April 22, 7:30pm, Durgin Concert Hall - 35 Wilder Street, Lowell. 978-934-3850
Free and open to the public / wheelchair accessible | | Locally produced documentary "River Cycle" screens in Lowell | Don't miss the Lowell film premiere of: "River Cycle: The Concord in Lowell" A team of dedicated Concord River devotees has worked for years to share the important history and ecology of the waterway and its banks. The most recent product of their work is a 25-minute documentary film called "River Cycle: The Concord in Lowell," which will premiere in Lowell as part of Earth Week celebrations. The film explores the river's past and present, from Native American fishing to current development of a recreational greenway park. Come meet director and UMass Lowell professor Chad Montrie and representatives from Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust and learn more about the Concord's key role in the stories we tell about industry, community, and nature. This event is FREE and open to the public!
Tues., April 20, 6pm, Boott Cotton Mills Museum Events Center, 115 John St., Lowell View the official trailer for "River Cycle" and get more information at www.lowellfilmcollaborative.org
| | Oscar-nominated film "Julie & Julia" comes to Lowell as part of Foodways program | "Julie & Julia" Tues., April 27 at 6:30pm Lowell National Historical Park 246 Market St., Lowell Free and open to the public!
Presented as part of "Native Americans and Julia Child: Food Traditions and Innovators in Massachusetts" Don't miss this special FREE screening of the Oscar-nominated 2009 comedy-drama written and directed by Nora Ephron and starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams, the first of three events presented as part of Lowell National Park's "Foodways" program. "Julie & Julia" depicts the life of Julia Child in the early years of her culinary career, contrasting her life with Julie Powell who aspires to cook all 524 recipes from Child's cookbook during a single year, a challenge she described on her popular blog that would make her a published author. The film screening is a prelude to guest speaker Rayna Green, Smithsonian curator of Julia Child's Kitchen, who will speak at Lowell National Park on April 30 and May 1. This screening of "Julie & Julia" is presented in partnership between Lowell National Historical Park and the Lowell Film Collaborative. | | Celebrate "Earth Day" this Sunday at the Greenhouse | FREE Earth Day Festival hosted by Lowell's Community Gardens Greenhouse Event takes place rain or shine!
- Special guests - * Paul McCartney tribute band, One Sweet Dream * Radio Disney Free hands-on fun for the whole family! * Create arts and crafts from the earth * Tour the greenhouse * Learn about nature, gardening, and the environment * Free plants, prize drawings, food, live entertainment, and more! Find out about improving our environment through: * Community Gardening and Organic Agriculture * Recycling and Composting * Canal Water Cleaning * Plant-a-Row for the Hungry Every year, world activist and vegetarian Sir Paul McCartney performs a free concert to celebrate Earth Day - join us as we pay our OWN tribute to this legendary musician with a special performance by McCartney tribute band, One Sweet Dream. Sunday, April 18, Noon to 4pm, 220 Aiken Street, Lowell (Lowell National Park Maintenance Site) More information: www.communitygardensgreenhouse.org
| | FreeVerse at 119 Gallery
| Lowell Poetry Network invites you to meet: Abby, Ben, Emma, Ricky, Sophy and the FreeVerse group! Join them for a FreeVerse reading at Lowell's 119 Gallery, 119 Chelmsford St.
Thur. April 22 6:30pm
More information: www.119gallery.org
| | Oil painting for beginners | Come to X/O Studios and find your voice through the medium of oil painting. Develop a painting starting with your own studies of images that intrigue. Class covers color mixing, brush care, mediums, supports, and selection of other materials. There will be demonstrations and critiques. Come with sketches and source materials. Register by June 10th.
Mon. and Wed. 9:30-Noon, X/O Studios June 14-June 30 Cost: $240 (6 sessions)
Send your check to: Kathleen Cammarata 181 Market St. #14 Lowell, MA 01852 | | Artistic greeting cards at Market Street Market | Lowell artist, Robin Martell, is now selling her fiber art and collage artistic greeting cards at Market Street Market located at 95 Market St. in downtown Lowell. The card display includes a large variety of holiday, bridal, birthday, celebration, environmental awareness, multicultural, animal, and Lowell themed cards. The artist's card line integrates color, fiber art, postage stamps, and international papers into unique 3-dimensional art cards that can be mailed or framed. For more information, contact the artist at: InnisfreeCards@comcast.net.
| | Bill Giavis at Whistler House Museum of Art
| On exhibit: Bill Giavis -- On the Road and Home Again Through May 15, 2010 Reception: April 17, 2pm-4pm
Well-known Lowell resident Vassilios “Bill” Giavis exhibits a collection of personal paintings in the Members Room in the Parker Gallery at the Whistler House Museum of Art.This body of work consists of intimate views from the inside of his home and cityscapes from Lowell and New York. The New York cityscapes in this exhibit are watercolor paintings from 1999 to 2000. This was a point in his life when he was visiting the city frequently. It includes some small businesses and store fronts. More information: www.whistlerhouse.org
| | National Park Week activities in Lowell | Throughout the United States, the National Park Service is celebrating National Park Week, April 18-24. In conjunction with National Park Week and Earth Day, Lowell National Historical Park and partners are getting out and getting ready for spring! Click here to see a full schedule of National Park Week activities in Lowell!
| | Innovative Cities conference comes to Lowell | Learn about the new ways federal and municipal stakeholders are collaborating to promote the economic, physical, and social development of small- to mid-sized cities. "Best Practices in Urban Development" will bring together urban policy professionals, public administrators, planners, scholars, students, and the interested public. Conference participants will share their knowledge about successful strategies for economic and social development and discuss opportunities and challenges faced by growing cities in these difficult economic times. Conference topics will include economic development, the creative economy, sustainability, transportation, housing, and education. June 17 - 19, downtown Lowell
More information: http://www.innovativecitiesconference.com | | Upcoming New England Orchestra event
| | The Leo Blanco Trio joins the New England Orchestra. | "Spring Fever" String Music of the Americas - presented by the New England Orchestra Kay George Roberts, conductor
Special Guests: The Leo Blanco Trio In alliance with the Lowell Youth Orchestra and UMass Lowell Music Faculty & Students Free admission / wheelchair accessible
Wed., April 28, 7:30pm, Eliot Presbyterian Church, 273 Summer St., Lowell. 978-452-3383 | | Sign up for Lowell jazz day camp at The Space! | Camp Director: local musician and band leader, Stanley C. Swann, III
Camp dates/times: Mon. - Fri., July 12 - 23, 9am-4pm
Ensembles will perform at the Mambo Grill during the Lowell folk Festival July 23!
Complete information is available at: www.inthespace.net | | Abstractions 2010 at ALL Gallery | A juried show of abstract work by New England Artists April 10 - May 9 Reception: Sat., April 17, 2-4pm. Gallery Hours: Sat., 11- 4 & Sun., 12- 4 Juried by Joyce Audy Zarris ALL Arts Gallery, 246 Market St., Lowell. 978-441-ARTS
| | An update on Senate 2345 | Maintains Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) Autonomy under MOTT Creative Challenge Index Passes Below is an update on the amendments affecting the cultural community in Senate 2345, An Act Relative to Economic Development Reorganization. Senate 2345 will reorganize all of the state's economic development agencies and programs under the umbrella of the Massachusetts Marketing Partnership, headed by the Secretary of Housing and Economic Development. Under this bill, the MCC would be placed under the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism and would be subject to "performance review" by the Office of Business Development. Other than the performance reviews, the MCC would continue its autonomy as it did under the Treasurer. However, if the bill passes, the MCC would be subject to the Governor's 9c cuts, unilateral budget cuts invoked when state revenues fall below benchmarks. Senate 2345 has been engrossed and will now move to the House of Representatives for consideration. | | Los Sugar Kings come to Ole | Come see the Los Sugar Kings this Saturday at Olé Restaurant and Tapas Bar! Sat., April 17, 9pm
Ole Restaurant and Tapas Bar, 76 Merrimack St., Lowell. 978-735-4470
More information: www.oletapas.info | | Links: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, http://www.lowellauditorium.com/eventlistings.aspx Merrimack Repertory Theatre, www.merrimackrep.org The Bridge Review: Merrimack Valley Culture, http://ecommunity.uml.edu/bridge/ Website for Lowell artists, www.lowellisart.com Art community chronicle, www.vyumagazine.com Arts League of Lowell, www.artsleagueoflowell.org Western Avenue Studios, www.westernavenuestudios.com Ayer Lofts, www.Ayerlofts.com The Brush Art Gallery and Studios, www.thebrush.org The Image Theater, www.imagetheater.com Whistler House Museum of Art, www.whistlerhouse.org American Textile History Museum, www.athm.org For a fuller listing of links see the COOL website, www.cultureiscool.org | | This e-mail was sent from Cultural Organization of Lowell Immediate removal with PatronMail® SecureUnsubscribe. |  | | To forward this e-mail to a friend or colleague, use this link. | To change your e-mail address or update preferences, use this link. | | |
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