Propaganda and Prejudice
I was a high school student in the late 1960s. Education was a lot
different back then, though not necessarily the “Leave-it-to-Beaver” high
school experie...
Review of 2023 - Finding Peace After Chaos
This feels like the first time I've had personal bandwidth to write on this
blog since June or May of 2020. It seems that sometime in January of 2023,
I at...
Great Movie Testing the Limits Full Movie
[HD Movies] Streaming Testing the Limits (1998) Full Movie. Testing the
Limits can be watch for free registering. Watch Testing the Limits with HD
A New Business Name to Start 2015
I've been making and selling things my whole life and I've given myself
lots of business names over the years. In 2006 I took out a yellow sheet of
paper ...
Begin Anywhere
In July, I am having an art exhibit with Linda Branch Dunn at the Loading
Dock Gallery. Please join Linda and I on Saturday, July 5th for an artist
New Lacy Vest
As I mentioned in my last post, I'm taking a break from scarves to try some
new things. Here's a new vest I finished recently. I just love how the
We’re Moving…
Well, sorta.
We are changing our blog address. The new address will be and will go live next Tuesday, July 16, 2013.
You'll stil...
New Bedford
Ships' masts continue to dominate the skyline of one of the nation's
earliest Whaling centers.
Site of the first ship built in New Bedford in 1767.
My h...
Hello, June!
Despite my general dislike of gyms, I decided to step things up a bit, join
a gym, and get some personal training! So, my June goal is relat...
Betty Homemaker...
I should be in Aruba right now.
Why do I say this? Because my family is in Aruba, I was supposed to go, and
instead I'm house-sitting. Granted, I willingly...
Bootstrap Blog Migration
The Bootstrap Blog has moved to its new home at the bootstrap website.
Please update your bookmarks.
See you after the jump.
Lucy the Blog: the Resurrection
Oh, hello. It’s been awhile. Last spring, while walking with Ashlee, Lil
Nola Jane, and Lucy the Dog, I stumbled upon this abandoned, helpless bear.
An e...
Life's Twisted Ways... Plus Good Books
Hmmm... interesting the way life works. Here I sit, avoiding certain people
like the plague, and contemplating over the way life has been lately. Right
It’s Happening in 1924 Lowell
It’s happening in 1924 Lowell – (PIP #61) By Louise Peloquin Throughout its
ups and downs, Lowell has always evolved and hosted events. Here are two
A Way Forward?
*For John, BLUF*: *While many are ooutraged at President Trump's words and
actions with regard to Ukraine and the Middle East, some see that perhaps
Upcoming Holidays/Registry Closures
The Middlesex North Registry of Deeds and all state offices will be closed
on the following dates:
May 30 - Monday - Memorial Day
June 20 - Monday - Jun...
Go Solar If You Can, Before 2020!
The hot, sticky, generally annoying but also deadly heat waves that have
swept the northern hemisphere have few upsides to them. In Japan, northern
Europe ...
Aces of Clubs
The Office of Student Engagement celebrated leadership in all its forms at
Middlesex Community College with a pair of special awards recognitions -
the a...
Full Scale Disaster Exercise Planned
On June 11 the City’s Emergency Management Office will stage a full scale
disaster exercise beginning at 9:30 a.m. The drill will take place in the
UMass L...
Concert in the park this Thursday
Bring a lawn chair or a blanket to sit on, and kids of all ages to Tyler
Park this Thursday, June 21, 6-8 p.m. for the first concert of the 2012
Summer Sun...
COOL Pop-Up Information Session, April 10
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here
*COOL Pop-Up Information Session*
*Tuesday, April 10, 6pm*
*Location:* ALL's Pop-Up Gallery
117 ...
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