"Families from around New England can celebrate the wonders of winter at Lowell’s Annual Winterfest Celebration, February 5th - 7th, 2009. After all, how can they resist free ice skating, face painting, magic shows, tundra rides, fireworks and paling around with the lovable Lowla Bear? The Lowell Winterfest also includes crafts, live entertainment, a soup bowl competition and the crowd pleasing favorite – the National Human Dogsled Championships.
Lowell’s National Human Dog Sled Championship is a staple of Lowell’s annual Winterfest celebration. More than 60 sleigh teams will compete for title of “top dog” as they race to the finish down 200 yards of icy tundra. Each team consists of 6 people. A rider, a musher, and four people who pull the sled. Two teams race at a time. And if that’s not funny enough, wait until you see them in full costume. In years past there have been cave men, penguins and football players among the costumed competitors."
For a complete listing of events, please visit the official website: http://www.lowellwinterfest.org
Closing this Friday, February 6th at 119 Gallery:
"A former industrial warehouse district, Fort Point Channel, Boston has been home to hundreds of artists for nearly 30 years. To open 2009, 119 Gallery has invited a group of “visiting artists” to Lowell. Over 20 artists represent one of Boston’s oldest and most fertile Boston artists’ neighborhoods. The artwork ranges from traditional media to hybrid techniques that defy description: book art, collage, drawing, drawing on film, illuminated sculpture, illustration, painting, photography sculpture, and wall panels. Curated by Joanne Kaliontzis."
Visit http://www.119gallery.org for complete details and info on the Fort Point of View Exhibit.

Live Music by Lola Danza & John Voigt
Friday, February 6th at 8 pm, 119 Gallery
Lola Danza - voice
John Voigt - bass
“Ms. Danza gives hope to the future of jazz.” — Boston Herald
“Lola Danza is a part of a new breed of jazz singer writing original material and experimenting. And she has the chops to pull it off.” — Boston Phoenix Jon Garelick
“With a stunning voice that elongates words and phrases with almost ethereal clarity, Danza follows her own muse stylistically, preferring the spare and airy to the busy and hot.” — Bob Young Boston Herald
To learn more about this event, please visit: http://www.119gallery.org
Opening this Saturday & Sunday, Feb 7-8th, 12 pm - 4 pm:
"Hot Soup" at Ayer Lofts Gallery
"Come see a SOUPed up art exhibit with SOUPperb artistic works from SOUPer artists at Ayer Lofts Art Gallery
Enjoy a cup of Soup while viewing the paintings, photography, pottery, and more during the show."
To learn more about the Ayer Art Gallery, visit their website: http://www.ayerlofts.com
Open This Saturday, Feb 7th, 12 pm - 5 pmWestern Avenue Studios

"Western Avenue Studios, 122 Western Avenue: More than 160 Working Artists where you will find 2 buildings and four floors of artists working in all disciplines, media and styles. Open Studios - First Saturday of every month, noon to 5:00 PM - Western Avenue Studios opens its doors to the public. Come browse the latest works by our artists!" For more information, visit http://www.westernavenuestudios.com
Live music this weekend: Audio Park Productions & Cultural Organization of Lowell sponsors:

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