| | Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must. | - Goethe | | Save the date! COOL Annual Breakfast, May 11 | Mark your calendars for COOL's Annual Breakfast event on Wednesday, May 11, 7:30am. This year's event will feature several of Lowell's creative businesses and cultural innovators, who are integral to the City's vitality! Location: Arts League of Lowell Gallery, 22 Shattuck Street, Lowell. To attend, kindly RSVP to Suzzanne Cromwell, scromwell@lowellma.gov, by Friday, April 29, 2011. Tickets are $25 (general public) and $10 (students and artists). More information: Contact LZ Nunn, (978) 674.1480 | | 2011 Lowell Film Festival SPOTLIGHT: World Peace & Other 4th Grade Achievements
| | John Hunter | Fourth-grade teacher John Hunter has devised an ingenious game for his young students: The World Peace Game. See how Hunter transforms his students in 8 weeks as they engage in this inspiring, educational exercise! World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements has won critical acclaim - see it Sat., Apr. 30, 2pm, at the Lowell Film Festival! More information: www.LowellFilmFestival.org | | Attention artists! Assets for Artists Information Session, TONIGHT
| Assets for Artists is a collaborative program aimed at helping Massachusetts artists who wish to become home owners and/or strengthen their creative businesses. Lowell artists: don't miss an Information Session on this exciting new program, Thur., Apr. 14, 6:30pm at the ALL Arts Gallery, Lowell. More information: http://www.cultureiscool.org/assets-for-artists | | The Jensen Family Singers perform at the Lowell Senior Center, April 16
| The Jensen Family Singers perform "Happy Together," Sat., Apr. 16, 10am, at the Lowell Senior Center, 276 Broadway St. The family entourage has been featured in Las Vegas, NYC, Atlantic City and throughout the USA for the past 20 years. More information: Contact John Lawlor at 978-970-4131
| | Lowell author Stephen O'Connor comes to the ALL Gallery, April 17
| Lowell-based fiction writer Stephen O'Connor will be appearing at the Arts League of Lowell Gallery, 22 Shattuck Street, Sun., Apr. 17, 4pm. O'Connor is the author of Smokestack Lightning and The Spy in the City of Books.
More information: www.artsleagueoflowell.com | | Lowell Community Gardens Greenhouse Celebrates Earth Day, April 17 | Lowell's 5th Annual FREE Earth Day Festival will be held Sun. Apr.17, 2-4pm, rain or shine at the Community Gradens Greenhouse, 220 Aiken St. Events include live entertainment, kids activities, a public cookout, giveaways, and more! View the event flyer HERE. More information: www.communitygardensgreenhouse.org | | The Arts League of Lowell presents ACME, April 15 - May 22 | The Arts League of Lowell's newest exhibit, ACME, features the work of Arts League of Lowell Co-op Members, on exhibit from Apr. 15 - May 22. Artists reception Sun., May 1, 3-6pm.
More information: www.artsleagueoflowell.com | | Massachusetts premiere of Cambodian documentary Who Killed Chea Vichea? with Producer Rich Garella in attendance, April 19 | In 1999, Chea Vichea, trusted leader of struggling Cambodian garment workers, was tragically and mysteriously murdered. See the premiere of this highly charged political thriller & murder mystery, currently banned in Cambodia. Special Guest: Producer Rich Garella. Tues., Apr. 19, 7pm, Lowell National Historical Park Visitor Center. More information: www.lowellfilmcollaborative.org or view event poster | | Dancing in Concert: East Meets West, April 30 | Members of the New England Orchestra (NEO), Lowell Youth Orchestra, and UML/MCC faculty perform a cultural fusion concert with the Angkor Dance Troupe on Sat., Apr. 30, 7pm, centered on the music of Cambodian-American composer Chinary Ung.
More information: www.neo-lowell.org | | Celebrate National Poetry Month at UMass Lowell | April is National Poetry Month! Enjoy free poetry readings sponsored by the UML English Department, UML Center for Arts & Ideas, and community partners. Upcoming guest poets: Kay Ryan, Michael Casey and Nicholas Samaras. More information: Click here to view UML calendar | | "Key West Carnival" comes to Lowell Memorial Auditorium, April 21 | CTI's annual "Key West Carnival Party and Fundraiser to End Homelessness" takes place Thurs., Apr. 21, 6-10pm, at Lowell Memorial Auditorium. Proceeds benefit families and individuals facing homelessness who live in Greater Lowell and the Merrimack Valley.
More information: www.comteam.org or call 978 459-0551 | | Take Back the Night 2011, April 21 | As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Greater Lowell's 6th annual Take Back the Night will be held Thurs., Apr. 21, 6pm (meets at Lowell City Hall). Take Back the Night is an international movement intended as a call to action against rape and other forms of violence.
More information: molykati@lchealth.org or call 978-322-8768 | | 2011 Khmer New Year Celebration, April 23 | Enjoy a 2011 Khmer New Year Celebration, Sat., Apr. 23, 10am-3pm, at the Lowell Senior Center. Experience a Buddhist Blessing, delicious Khmer food, a traditional dance performance, and a time for social dancing.
More information: Contact Doeun "Duey" Kol at 978-275-1706 | | University Orchestra Spring Concert, April 20 | University Orchestra Spring Concert presents Popular & Rarely Played Classics, Apr. 20, 7:30pm, Durgin Concert Hall, 35 Wilder Street, Lowell. The Orchestra will perform Brahms, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, and more. Kay G. Roberts, Director. Free and open to the public. More information: http://www.uml.edu/media/calendar/default.htm | | Play comes to the 119 Gallery, April 26 | Play, an exhibit by the students from the Artbotics Program at UMass Lowell, is on view at 119 Gallery Apr. 26 - May 5. The reception on Tues., Apr. 26, 6-9pm will include a live video connection with the Revolving Museum's High School Artbotics Program and a walking tour of the two installations. More information: www.119gallery.org | | Music workshops and classes at The Space, April - May | The Space is the Place for Music! Now registering for: "Songwriting Boot Camp," (Wednesdays, Apr. 13-May 18, 7-9pm), a 6-week course geared to the New Songwriter; and "Joyful Music Children's Music Class," (starts Apr. 16, 11:30am-12:15pm) a 10-week session.
More information: www.inthespace.net or 978-459-4775 | | The 4th Annual Lowell Film Festival, April 28 - 30 | To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, the 4th Annual Lowell Film Festival will showcase classic & popular films, historical documentaries, and contemporary independent films that explore themes traceable to the Civil War and its societal impact. Don't miss this historic cinematic event! More information: www.LowellFilmFestival.org | | View American Civil War artifacts relating to the City of Lowell at Lowell Gallery, now through May 30 | In commemeration of the 150th anniversary of the War between the States, the Lowell Gallery will exhibit its collection of original historical engravings, artifacts, books, antique documents, and collectibles relating to Lowell in The Civil War. Exhibit runs until May 30. More information: www.lowellgallery.com or 978-458-3137 | | Artist spaces still available at Appleton Mills Apartments | Artist live/work apartments are still available at the newly renovated Appleton Mills in downtown Lowell. A model home is now open and tours are available and Artist Certification Interviews are being scheduled in April and May.
More information: www.liveappletonmills.com | | Guided Tours and Programs at Lowell National Historical Park, April 2011 | Join Lowell National Historical Park Rangers as they present walks and talks on numerous aspects of Lowell's history, with a special emphasis this month on National Park Week, April 16 -20. More information: www.nps.gov/lowe | | Boston-based film Joy and the Apocalypse screens in Lowell with filmmakers in attendance, May 1 | The world has been waiting for this day to come for 4 years: At 7:15pm, an asteroid will hit the earth, killing everyone but a chosen few who will live in an underground colony. What happens next? Boston-based film Joy and the Apocolypse screens in Lowell Sun., May 1, 2pm with filmmakers in attendance! More information: Click here for details or visit www.lowellfilmcollaborative.org | | Upcoming events at the New England Quilt Museum | | by Diane Phalen | Save the date for the following exhibits & events at the New England Quilt Museum: "One Foot Square, Quilted & Bound: Block-by-Block Quilts Since 1837" (Apr. 14-Jul. 10), "Mother's Day Tea with Mary Todd Lincoln" (May 7), and the Lowell Quilt Festival (Aug. 11-13).
More information: www.nequiltmuseum.org | | Save the Date! Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser & Celebration at the Brush Gallery, May 7 | The Brush Gallery's annual Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser and Celebration is almost here! Bring your friends and family for a night of great music, dancing, salsa lessons, delicious Mexican-inspired hors doevres, an auction, and raffle prizes. Sat., May 7, 6-10pm, Brush Art Gallery, 246 Market St., Lowell. More information & tickets: www.thebrush.org | | The Closer You Get screens for Irish Film Night at Lowell's Garcia Brogan's restaurant, May 3 | | The Closer You Get | The single men of a quaint Irish town cause a stir when they take out an ad inviting American women to the village for the big town dance. The Closer You Get unfolds into a fun, Irish romp into the hearts of some unforgettable characters! Tues., May 3, 7:30pm, Garcia Brogan's Restaurant, Lowell. More information: Click here for details or visit www.lowellfilmcollaborative.org | | Lowell Cultural Council new member informational meeting, May 5 | The Lowell Cultural Council seeks new volunteer members! Learn more about this opportunity at an informational meeting, Thurs., May 5, 6:30pm, Mayor's Reception Room, 2nd Floor of City Hall. RSVP requested, open to Lowell residents only.
More information and to RSVP: lowellculturalcouncil@lowellma.gov | | Register for Summer Day Camp at the Tsongas Industrial History Center | Registration for Summer Day Camp is now open at The Tsongas Industrial History Center, a partnership between UMass Lowell & Lowell National Historical Park. Programs include boat rides, weaving, crafts, games, and field trips. Ages 8-14, registration required. More information: www.uml.edu/tsongas/ (click on Summer Camp) or 978-970-5080 | | Book now for Whitewater Rafting in Lowell! | Zoar Outdoor presents Whitewater Rafting in Lowell! Reservations are now open for rafting trips taking place every weekend in April & May at 9am and 1pm. Take in this amazing outdoor urban adventure right in the heart of the Mill City. More information: www.lowelllandtrust.org | | About the COOL Cultural E-newsletter | The COOL Cultural E-newsletter is emailed every week by the Cultural Organization of Lowell (COOL) in conjunction with the Lowell Cultural Roundtable. News items for consideration may be sent to scromwell@lowellma.gov. Please limit description to no more than two lines of text and include full contact information and URL if applicable.
Deadlines: To insure your posting is in the coming week's e-blast, we must receive it by the previous Friday.
To subscribe, send an email to scromwell@lowellma.gov with the subject line, "Please subscribe to COOL e-blast."
To unsubscribe, scroll down to the bottom of this e-newsletter and use the "SecureUnsubscribe" link.
If there is an upcoming event that you would like to put on the COOL calendar (www.cultureiscool.org), email LZ Nunn at LZNunn@lowellma.gov to obtain a password.
| | Links to our cultural community: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, http://www.lowellauditorium.com/eventlistings.aspx Merrimack Repertory Theatre, www.merrimackrep.org The Bridge Review: Merrimack Valley Culture, http://ecommunity.uml.edu/bridge/ Website for Lowell artists, www.lowellisart.com Art community chronicle, www.vyumagazine.com Arts League of Lowell, www.artsleagueoflowell.org Western Avenue Studios, www.westernavenuestudios.com Ayer Lofts, www.Ayerlofts.com The Brush Art Gallery and Studios, www.thebrush.org The Image Theater, www.imagetheater.com Whistler House Museum of Art, www.whistlerhouse.org American Textile History Museum, www.athm.org 119 Gallery, www.119gallery.org Lowell Folk Festival, www.lowellfolkfestival.org Moses Greeley Parker Lectures, http://ecommunity.uml.edu/parkerlectures/parkersite.html For a fuller listing of links see the COOL website, www.cultureiscool.org | | This e-mail was sent from Cultural Organization of Lowell Immediate removal with PatronMail® SecureUnsubscribe. |  | | To forward this e-mail to a friend or colleague, use this link. | To change your e-mail address or update preferences, use this link. | | |