| "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." | - T.S. Eliot | | First Saturday Open Studios at Western Ave Studios, January 1 | Don't miss Open Studios every first Saturday of the month at Western Avenue Studios! Peruse and shop two buildings, six floors and 143 studios with over 180 artists working in all disciplines, media and styles.122 Western Avenue, Lowell. Free parking. More information: www.westernavenuestudios.com | | Tryst opens at Merrimack Repertory Theater, January 6 | Merrimack Repertory Theatre starts 2011 with the suspenseful drama Tryst by Karoline Leach: set in Edwardian London, a handsome con-man marries simple, well-off women only to leave them poor and inexplicably husbandless the day after their honeymoons. Tryst runs Jan. 6-30. More information: www.MerrimackRep.org or 978-654-4MRT. | | Call for submissions for "Femnoir: The Women's Playwriting Festival" | Lowell's Image Theater seeks submissions of short plays and/or monologues by local women playwrights for their March production of "Femnoir: The Women's Playwriting Festival." Pieces should run 10 minutes or less. Deadline for submissions is Jan. 10, 2011. More information: Jerry Bisantz, jbisantz@comcast.net or Ann Garvin, anngarvin4@aol.com | | Special screening of "Chocolat" in Lowell, February 12 | Save the date! "Chick Flick & Chocolate" fundraiser for The Brush Art Gallery, Feb. 12, 2011, featuring an all-you-can-eat chocolate tasting PLUS a screening of the award-winning film Chocolat (Johnny Depp & Juliette Binoche). Admission is just $10/per person. More information: Click here for complete details | | Drawing and collage workshop at X/O Studio | Jump start your drawing and deepen your collage work! E-mail Kathleen Cammerata at cammerata@mac.com to reserve a space. Sat. & Sun., Jan. 15 & 16, 9am-3pm. Cost: $200, includes $50 registration fee. More information: Kathleen Cammerata, 978-458-3788 and http://www.kcammarata.com/x-o_studio.html | | Join a Painters Forum, January 8 | Come meet other painters at this workshop designed for all levels. Talk about techniques, hear new ideas, and potentially set up an ongoing painting group. Space limited to six artists. Fee: $40. Sat. Jan. 8, 2011, 10am-2pm, X/O Studio, 256 Market Street. More Information: 978-458-3788 | | Winter Solstice Show at Ayer Lofts Gallery, through January 30 | Ayer Lofts Art Gallery presents their "Winter Solstice Show" from Dec. 12-Jan. 30. Ayer Loft's artist-residents and their guests show off their latest creations including, art, sculpture, photography, pottery and more. Hours: 12-4pm. More information: www.ayerlofts.com | | Upcoming Film Events at the Pollard | Enjoy the following upcoming free public film events at Pollard Library: Sat., Jan. 8, 1pm, commemorate Elvis Presley's 76th birthday with George Sidney's "Viva Las Vegas." Thur. Jan. 13, 6:30pm, see Ricardo Trogi's coming-of-age tale, "1981." More information: www.pollardml.org | | "Winter Lights III" at the Loading Dock Gallery, through January 2, 2011 | The Loading Dock Gallery sparkles with delightful, affordable gifts for the holidays and unique works of art during Winter Lights III, through Jan. 2, 2011. Gallery hours: Wed-Sun,11am-4:30pm. More information: www.theloadingdockgallery.com or Maxine Farkas, 978-349-8069. | | Holiday Marketplace at the Brush Gallery, through December 31 | | Lovely handmade scarves by Cindy Hughes | Shop for unique, affordable and artful gifts created by artists and artisans at the Brush Gallery & Studios in downtown Lowell, including fine art, jewelry, clothing accessories, pottery, and much more. More information: www.thebrush.org | | Free premiere screening of "The Journey," January 22 | | Director Fred Barzyk | Chelmsford Telemedia presents a free screening of The Journey, a locally produced original drama by Fred Barzyk. A screening of Dan La Blanc’s tongue-in-cheek Making of The Journey will follow. Sat. Jan. 22, 7pm, Chelmsford Center for the Arts, 1A North Road. More Information: Fred Barzyk, 978-251-5143 | | Currently on exhibit at The Whistler House Museum of Art | In the Parker Gallery: "Annual Juried Members Exhibit 2010," through Dec. 30. Artist/members' work including oil, watercolor and photography. In the Member's Room: "Back Central in Black & White, Inside & Out," photographs by Joe Quinlan, through Dec. 30. More information: www.whistlerhouse.org | | Arts League of Lowell "Holiday Show," on exhibit through January 9, 2011 | The Arts League of Lowell has opened its new gallery on 22 Shattuck Street in downtown Lowell. Currently on view is their Holiday Show, on exhibit through January 9, 2011. More information: www.artsleagueoflowell.com
| | Calls to artists | Artist Partners Wanted for Lowell Public Schools Lowell Public Schools is creating a database of local artists interested in working in the school system with art teachers and students. Opportunities include classroom visits and short residencies where students can have hands-on involvement in the creative process. For information on the Lowell Public Schools Visiting Artists Roster, contact Leslie MacPhail at lmacphail@lowell.k12.ma.us. Lawrence Public Arts Master Plan & Pilot Project for Union Crossing Lawrence Community Works has posted an RFQ for a Public Arts Master Plan and Pilot Project for Union Crossing. Deadline for applications: Jan. 3, 2011. Project is open to artists residing in New England; artists from Lawrence and the Merrimack Valley are encouraged to apply. More Information: www.unioncrossing.org
| | About the COOL Cultural E-newsletter | The COOL Cultural E-newsletter is emailed every week by the Cultural Organization of Lowell (COOL) in conjunction with the Lowell Cultural Roundtable. News items for consideration may be sent to scromwell@lowellma.gov. Please limit description to no more than two lines of text and include full contact information and URL if applicable.
Deadlines: To insure your posting is in the coming week's e-blast, we must receive it by the previous Friday.
To subscribe, send an email to scromwell@lowellma.gov with the subject line, "Please subscribe to COOL e-blast."
To unsubscribe, scroll down to the bottom of this e-newsletter and use the "SecureUnsubscribe" link.
If there is an upcoming event that you would like to put on the COOL calendar (www.cultureiscool.org), email LZ Nunn at LZNunn@lowellma.gov to obtain a password.
| | Links to our cultural community: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, http://www.lowellauditorium.com/eventlistings.aspx Merrimack Repertory Theatre, www.merrimackrep.org The Bridge Review: Merrimack Valley Culture, http://ecommunity.uml.edu/bridge/ Website for Lowell artists, www.lowellisart.com Art community chronicle, www.vyumagazine.com Arts League of Lowell, www.artsleagueoflowell.org Western Avenue Studios, www.westernavenuestudios.com Ayer Lofts, www.Ayerlofts.com The Brush Art Gallery and Studios, www.thebrush.org The Image Theater, www.imagetheater.com Whistler House Museum of Art, www.whistlerhouse.org American Textile History Museum, www.athm.org 119 Gallery, www.119gallery.org Lowell Folk Festival, www.lowellfolkfestival.org Moses Greeley Parker Lectures, http://ecommunity.uml.edu/parkerlectures/parkersite.html For a fuller listing of links see the COOL website, www.cultureiscool.org | | This e-mail was sent from Cultural Organization of Lowell Immediate removal with PatronMail® SecureUnsubscribe. |  | | To forward this e-mail to a friend or colleague, use this link. | To change your e-mail address or update preferences, use this link. | | |
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