| | Monster Bash and Halloween Stroll, 5:00 PM - 8:00PM is taking on a different look and location this year. The event is now located at Edson Hall behind St. Anne's Church featuring kids games, a haunted house, DJ Steve Munroe and dance performances by Mill City Dance, best costume contests, bike raffle (free) give away, and trick or treating at a number of participating downtown business locations. Event is free and for more information visit www.lowell.org. | Retail & Restaurant News | La Boniche Inc., 143 Merrimack Street: Lura Smith & Danny Webster return Thursday October 21, Show Time at 7:00PM. Make your reservations now. Seating is limited. For more information call 978-458-9473. Barnes & Noble, 151 Merrimack Street: AUTHORS SIGNING and READING, Thursday, October 28th, 6:30-7:30 PM. Coffin Dust by award winning author, David Daniel is a collection of short stories that will keep you reading late into the night! Daniel is an adjunct professor at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. Chasing Curves by local author, Lloyd L. Corricelli is the second hard boiled detective novel featuring Ronan Marino and set in Lowell! Corricelli is a 1987 graduate of the University of Lowell. Events may change without notice, please call the store to confirm, 978-458-3939. Centro, 24 Market Street: With the holiday season just around the corner! Have you thought about Centro to host or cater your party?? Plenty of dates are still available so book it early and have piece of mind. Thanksgiving catering menu will be available online soon! New menu starts October 20th! For more information visit www.centrolowell.com | Sports & Events | Experience the thrill of UMass Lowell River Hawks Division I hockey in a newly renovated Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell! Tickets are available now for the opening home game of the 2010 - 2011 season versus the providence College Friars Friday, October 22 at 7:00 PM. For tickets and information visit www.goriverhawks.com UMass Lowell Fall Festival, October 20 - 26: Join alumni, parents, students, faculty, and staffing celebrating the students, the athletes and the spirit of UMass Lowell. For more information visit http://www.uml.edu/fallfestival/. Pollard Library: So you think you can act! After school fun at the Pollard, Wednesday October 20, 27 & November 3 from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM. Test out your acting skills after school each week. Open to young people grades 5 - 8. For more information visit www.pollardml.org. Farmers Market: Last Friday of the year!! Locally grown produce is better tasting, better for you, better for our local economy and better for our global environment! From 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM at JFK Plaza, LowellCity Hall. For more information contact Community Teamwork, Inc. (978) 459-0551.
The Disposable Film Festival "Best of the Fest" comes to Lowell! Tuesday, October 19 at 7:00 PM: Lowell National Historical Park Visitor Center, 246 Market Street: Save the date for a great film event! Voted one of the "coolest film festivals" by Movie Maker Magazine, The Disposable Film Festival has traveled to cities around the world showcasing hundreds of shorts filmed on disposable media. The Lowell Film Collaborative is honored to partner with The DFF to host a special Lowell screening of their 2010 "Best of the Fest"competition shorts as part of the Festival's fall East Coast tour! Get details at www.lowellfilmcollaborative.org. Film Screening: "The Secret of Kells," Saturday, October 23 at 2:00 PM at the Brush Art Gallery, 246 Market Street. The Arts League of Lowell and the Lowell Film Collaborative present a matinee screening of the 2010 Academy Award nominated animated film "The Secret of Kells," shown in celebration of the Brush Gallery's new exhibit on the enchanting and colorful world of children's book illustration. Free and open to the public - families welcomed! More Information: www.lowellfilmcollaborative.org and www.thebrush.org 24th Annual Taste of the Town: Sunday October 24 from 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM. UMass Lowell Inn & Conference Center. For tickets or more information please call 978-937-6430. |
Got Tickets? |
The Lowell Memorial Auditorium - Upcoming shows . An Evening with the cast of A & E's Paranormal State featuring Ryan Beull and Sergey Poberezhny, October 22, Loretta LaRoche, and November 3, An evening with Styx The Grand illusions/Pieces of Eight Tour. For other shows and tickets please visit www.lowellauditorium.com. Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell: Upcoming shows. Drake, Tuesday October 26 at 7:30 PM, Bob Dylan & His Band, Saturday November 20 at 8:00 PM and Micky's Magic Show, Sunday November 28 at 12:30 PM & 3:30 PM. For more information visit www.uml.edu/tsongascenter/. Merrimack Repertory Theatre: Four Places by Joel Drake Johnson. EAST COAST PREMIERE! October 14 - November 7. This honest, compassionate and profound drama evokes the most familiar and heartfelt aspects of family relations. Two middle-aged siblings take their mother out to lunch where the conversation turns from routine banter to life-changing revelation. The indelible characters are both marvelously funny and devastatingly human as they lead one another to a place where forgiveness and understanding are tested, but love is still possible. Estimated Run Time: 1 hours, 30 minutes with no intermission. For more information visit www.merrimackrep.org. | Museum and Gallery News | American TextileHistory Museum, 491 Dutton Street: High Style: Betsy Bloomingdale and the Haute Couture, August 14 - January 2. This exhibit gives a rare and fascinating glimpse into the personal world of style ofBetsy Bloomingdale, one of America's most celebrated socialites and fashion icons. Upcoming: Dressing the Invisible Body: Techniques for Creating 'Floating' Garment Mounts | CSA Region I Workshop | Saturday October 23. For more information visit www.athm.org. Western Avenue Studios, 122 Western Avenue: First Saturday of every month, Noon to 5:00 PM. Western Avenue Studios opens its doors to the public. Come browse the latest works by our artists. For more information visit www.westernavenuestudios.com. The Loading Dock Gallery: Three-dimensional work of Holly Berube & Photographs by Anna L. Harrison Anna Harrison and Holly Berube, September 29 - October 23. For more information visit www.theloadingdockgallery.com. 119 Gallery, 119 Chelmsford Street: New works by David Crane and Margot Stage, Fibrous Forms, October 19 - November 13, Tuesday - Saturday, 12- 5:00 PM. For more information visit www.119gallery.org. The Whistler House Museumof Art: New England Quilt Museum, 18 Shattuck Street: African-American Quilts Today: A Celebration of Motherhood, Sisterhood & The Matriarchs. October 21 through January 3. For more information visit www.newenglandquilt.org Brush Art Gallery & Studio, 256 Market Street: Children's Book Illustrators, September 19 - October 24. Curated and organized by Will Winslow. For more information please visit www.thebrush.org |
| Business News | Young Professionals of Greater Lowell. Please join us on Thursday, October 28 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Lowell Beer Works for YPGL Octoberfest. The cost for this event is $15. Each person will receive four beer samples, a brewery tour, food and the opportunity to network with your fellow YPGL members. If you would like to attend, please rsvp to info@ypgl.org. Payment will be accepted the night of the event. Anyone that brings a bag of food for the Merrimack Valley Food Bank will be entered to win a gift certificate to Lowell Beer Works, Taylor Made Golf accessories and other great prizes. The third annual Made in Lowell event will take place Friday, November 5, from noon to 2:00 at the UMass Lowell Inn & Conference Center, 50 Warren Street. For more information call 978-446-7200. The Lowell Creative Economy Census 2010: October 1 - November 5 Lowell's first Creative Economy Census is now under way! Are YOU a part of Lowell's creative workforce? If so, we want you to "Make Yourself Count" by taking our brief Census survey. This local project will document and measure the City's creative industry and its impact on the local economy. Take the Census survey TODAY at www.countmeinlowell.org. For more information, call 978-674-1483. |
Sincerely, Christopher Samaras Downtown Coordinator Cultural Affairs & Special Events City of Lowell, 50 Arcand Drive Lowell, MA 01852 t: 978.674-1481 f: 978.446.7089
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