Joe Darensbourg
“Beyond the Book”
The Revolving Museum Friday, April 24th, 7:00pm-9:00pm
General Admission $7, Members $4
Ages 12 and up
Somebody call the Copts! During ”Beyond the Book” Joe will talk about some of the bardic (musical storytellers) traditions, play the Oud (mid eastern Lute), violin and drum.

Donna Berger
The Revolving Museum Saturday, April 25th, 9:30am-10:30am
General Admission $5, Members $3
General Admission per family $15, Members $10
Local illustrator Donna Berger will give a presentation about the process of illustrating a children’s book. She will also read one of the stories she illustrated and demonstrate how she did it.
Brian Bergon
"We've Got To Find An Easier Way"
CD Release Show
Athenian Corner, Saturday April 25th, 1pm
Free, All Ages
Arts League of Lowell
Mill City Inspirations Art Reception
ALL Gallery, NPS Visitor Center, Sunday April 26th, 2 - 4 PM
The show features Laurie Simko's new work inspired by the city of Lowell along with several other local artists.
New England Quilt Museum's
Text and Textile Extravaganza
Saturday, April 25 from 9am to 3pm
The Museum is hosting its popular book and fabric fundraiser for the fifth year! In exchange for a $25.00 donation, participants receive one shopping bag, sized 16" by 12" by 6", to fill to the brim with assorted books, magazines and fabrics.

The Compaq Big Band
Saturday, April 25, 2009, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Durgin Concert Hall, South Campus of UMass Lowell
Free admission
Public Art Tour
Sunday April 26th, 8:30am
National Park Visitor Center at Market Mills, 246 Market Street
If you love theatre, this is the only weekend to catch MCC's performance of Cabaret:

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