Celebrate Lowell's own author, poet, and painter: Jack Kerouac, during these events on Saturday, all open to the public:
9:30 am- Tour of Jack Kerouac Sites
"Meet on the front steps of the Pollard Memorial Library for a tour of some of the Kerouac Sites of Lowell led by Roger Brunelle. The focus will be on the Moody Street (now University Avenue) Bridge, the Grotto, and the “Mighty Merrimack” as described in Kerouac’s “Doctor Sax”–published 50 years ago this fall."
2 pm- "Images of Jack's Bridge" Art Reception
"Reception at the Arts League of Lowell Gallery at 246 Market Street. The winners of the “Images of Jack’s Bridge” competition will be announced from the 35 artistic representations of the University Avenue Bridge that are on display. Students from the Sullivan Middle School will also be displaying Kerouac Collages they’ve made in an after-school program where they’ve been learning about Kerouac’s ties to Lowell and beyond."
7:30 pm- Kerouac Birthday Party
"Kerouac Birthday Party at Caffe Paradiso. Music by Alan Crane. Open mike for participants to read their favorite Kerouac piece, or a work of they own inspired by Kerouac’s spirit. A Governor’s Proclamation of Jack Kerouac Day in Massachusetts will also be read–and Kerouac Birthday cake served! "
(information based on this post on Richard Howe's blog)
For other events happening around Lowell this weekend, please check out our Google Calendar shown on the right side of our blog!

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